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How to get help?

Date added:
Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Last revised:
Monday, 03 July 2017
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Before trying to reach out to us, try to do a [Search...] on our website as well as on the OBDuCAN (Web) tab. If you have an issue, keep in mind that someone must have encountered it before you and that our team must have solved and gathered all the information about it.

Example : connection issue to the vehicle

Select the software [Web] tab and in the [Search...] field enter the key words which seems the most appropriate to you (here: "connection connect"). Try to avoid articles and non meaningful words because the search engine cannot compare with those that you are using daily on the internet. It is not tolerant to the spelling :(.



In this case, here are the results of the search:



The search engine sorted out a ten or so sections that tackles connection issues, one of these might be the answer to your problem. If when reading the headlines and/or the summary, one of them seems to be the right one to resolve your issue (here: I cannot connect to the ELM interface or to the vehicle!"), click it!

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If the search engine sorts out to many sections, before reading all the answers, you can refine the search, to do so several fields are at your disposal:



After modifying the research fields you will need to click on the [Search] button again to obtain a new result.


Tip: in the OBDuCAN [Web] bar use the mouse right button to browse!


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