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It is impossible to connect to the vehicle!

Ajouté le:
lundi 26 juin 2017
Dernière modification le:
jeudi 29 juin 2017
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You cannot connect to your vehicle and you have the following message in the status lower bar:

Error on vehicle connexion

This message indicates that your interface couldn't connect to the vehicle. As it is written on the left part of the message, you asked for an automatic search of the automobile protocol, but this operation is entirely managed by your ELM interface.

No need to charge OBDuCAN, we are not guilty!

In most cases, this issue is due to the fact that your vehicle uses a ISO 9141 or ISO 14230 KWP(init. slow) protocol type. Both of those protocols handle badly the recurrent connection attempts.

Hopefully OBDuCAN provides you with a "manual" connection technique. To use it click this button: Vehicle choise 


Preference tuning 5 shots

Increase the number of connection attemps  up to 5, then click on the red cross to close the window. The new back up parameters is automatic.

To select a particular protocol click on: Vehicle choise


Vehicle choise ISO 9141

Select the ISO 9141 protocol and click on the Ok button to validate your choice.

You can now try two connections Vehicle connect to your vehicle. OBDuCAN will iterate automatically 5 connection attempts for each try.

If you still cannot connect, try two new connections with the protocol: ISO 14230 KWP(init. slow)


Protocol choise KWP

As soon as you will find the protocol used by your vehicle, do not change it because it will be automatically saved by OBDuCAN and you will find this latter by default when you will start your favorite application again!

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